Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I need a holiday

It's been a stressful couple of weeks, what with some Fringe drama, three days full of interviews at the National Gallery of Victoria for the next round of Young Ambassadors, and the usual chaos of my existence.

Last night I dragged Mike along to see the opening night of Robert Reid's play about dissociative disorders, A Mile in Her Shadow - great performances and lighting, not to sold on the script and direction - at the newly re-branded Store Room Theatre Workshop. Go check out his blog for a far more detailed and lucid review of the play...

I just got home half an hour ago, giving me long enough to check emails and return a couple of calls and quickly update my blog; after which I'm going to grab a shower before heading back into town to catch week two of the Short & Sweet play festival.

I'm feeling pretty knackered, and I definitely need a holiday - all I can say is, thank the gods the Meredith Music Festival is on this weekend. Two and half days of country-based debauchery, rock'n'roll and great friends - I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

enjoy meredith to the max, dear richard. i am living through you vicariously. also, i've had a bit to drink! much love.

Anonymous said...


richardwatts said...

Mr Mack - you, me, the Pink Flamingo, midnight Saturday? I believe drinks are in order to celebrate - well, anything really!

Anonymous said...

Ohh last year I was werkin Pink Flamingo at midnmight Saturday... If I was there last night I woulda given you freebies. Bummer.